Advisor Meeting: Michelle Carpenter

I met briefly with Michelle and we discussed my outcome of this thesis – I had been seeing plenty of vision demos and thought they looked quite interesting.


But I wasn’t sure this outcome really spoke to a situation where I’m saying, Hey, this thing you all think is so cool? It’s totally not. Actually it maes your arms tired and it’s glitchy as all get-out and also you end up minimizing your gestures to tiny movements and you know how that makes the software trying to understand you feel? It makes it cry.

She brought up some alternate visions for my consideration:

Especial Desiertos: Estrellas del Bicentenario | Directed by Diego Pernía.

Nissan LEAF: The Value of Zero  (Nice plastic editing there, hu?)

And Camp4collective (very intimate).


Isn’t this fun? And so pretty!