I am moving forward with my Ethnographic study – oh, so much to research! Two books to read! Articles! Presentations!
I am attempting to meet with some subject matter experts in the field of ethnography and contextual inquiry in the user-centered design process. I continue to meet with advisors and continue to give them the paperwork/updates/ etc they need even though I just want to bury myself in this UX design process and ignore them entirely for a week or so. I know they’re just making sure that I’m on track and all but I just need to read and read and read and then write and write and then do my study and not be giving them various reports and papers!
But I digress.
The work continues slowly. I wasn’t trained in Ethnography as part of my program – I’m having to teach myself. I know I can do it but I’m glad that I have some experts to meet with next week.
Having said that – I sure do feel like I now know a thousand NOT AT ALL RIGHT OR USEFUL ways to do my project. *sigh*