Frictionless UX is about not creating any friction between what the user expects to happen and what the application expects from the user. PermalinkPosted: February 6, 2013Categories: User Experience
A usable usability test Tools aren't as important as answering one very important question: the important thing to find out is "What do we want to know?" PermalinkPosted: November 9, 2012Categories: Uncategorized
Are you solving a problem or just designing a page? I've decided that for me, UX design is a MMOG, not Solitaire. I'm going to treat it as such. PermalinkPosted: November 6, 2012Categories: Conference, Design, Uncategorized, User Experience
SNAFU Getting hacked made me feel like a teenager: "WAAAH you just don't understand how HARD life is!!" >.< PermalinkPosted: November 4, 2012Categories: Uncategorized
Pondering @trentmankelow ponders w/ @innes_jon & @traceyvarnell #luxdenver at lunch today PermalinkPosted: September 21, 2012Categories: Conference, User Experience, Work
Forward! I am moving forward with my Ethnographic study – oh, so much to research! Two books to read! Articles! Presentations! I am attempting to meet with some subject matter experts in the field of ethnography and contextual inquiry in the… PermalinkPosted: February 19, 2012Categories: Illustration, Thesis, User Research