Category Archives: Thesis
Remediation: A summary of research Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin, in their book Remediation: Understanding New Media, define remediation as “the process of representing one medium in another’” and they argue that this “is a defining characteristic of the new…Advisor Meeting: Jason Bowers
Jason dove right in to this thesis from a different view – we started talking about the elegance that already exists in devices. The trackpad gestures, for instance, are really quite beautiful. And many people don’t even know what many…Coding
HTML5, WordPress, documentation, coding PHP like a boss. Now THAT’s a good Saturday! #skyethesis #coding #html #css #wordpressWhat is your design problem, what are you doing, why, for whom, what is the outcome, what is your specific interest, how are you going to get it done in the time allotted ...and why should I care?
Brian Delevie