Advisor Meeting: Michael Salamon

By the time I met with Michael I had decided that natural gesture interfaces was not the wave of the future (pun intended). This kindda disapointed me and I was left with the question: WELL, WHY THE HECK NOT?

Yeah – still working on the wording. I’ll get back to you.

Michael was so amazingly helpful to pointing me towards a concrete path of discovery. To find out about why natural gesture user interfaces (or any other UI, for that matter) is a good thing to keep around there are two directions to go – to the past and to the present. In other words, why did some UI get adopted (the trackpad, for instance)? And how are users using a natural gesture interface for real and what do those people have to say about natural gestures? Do some research! Ask questions!


All of the sudden I had the beginnings of an investigative path – Natural gesture interfaces are not the future and I, Skye Sant, wil tell you why!

…ok just get over the wording of the thing. The point is that suddenly I had a path that led straight through the thing I really, really want to do – research and advise! (And Telling the Future ain’t a bad skill to have on the resume either.)


Follow the Yellow Brick Road, Skye! *dance dance dance…*